BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
As we age, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone naturally decline over time. Around age 35, men experience a gradual reduction in testosterone, typically 2 to 10 percent per year. For women, pre-menopause may start as early as in the 30s. In fact hormone imbalance kicks in long before hot flashes do – by 10 to 15 years!
Listen to your body. Is it saying, “I feel a bit off?” In other words, are you like many men and women in their 30s, 40s and beyond who …​
Lack motivation
Feel more tired than usual
Weight gain for no reason (especially in the belly area)
Mood swings
Brain fog
Decreased libido
Frequent illness
Hair loss
Saggy, dry and aging skin
Joint pain
Painful intercourse
Frequent UTI’s
Hot flashes, vaginal dryness and night sweats
Infrequent menstrual cycle – prior to menopause
What are bioidentical hormone replacement pellets?
Natural alternative to synthetic hormone therapy
Plant-based using wild yams
Body is able to recognize and metabolize
How do they work?
Larger than a grain of rice and smaller than a Tic Tac
Placed into fatty tissue under the skin
Releases testosterone or estrogen into the bloodstream based on cardiac output
Helps keep mood and energy fluctuations evened out
Have been used since 1930s
Superior hormone delivery in both men and women
Hormone optimization plays a key role in preventing certain diseases:
o Osteoporosis
o Cardiovascular disease
o Alzheimer’s disease
o Certain cancers
o Diabetes
o Others
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